
This article challenges the assertion that established approaches to career services are no longer viable due to the fundamental changes that have occurred in the nature of work. This notion, although popular, is flawed because the extent of change in occupations is not as great as commonly assumed. Without doubt, many important changes have occurred in the nature of work. The perception that occupations are undergoing substantive change has been exacerbated by inaccurate information about occupations presented in mass media. The fact that the demand for home health aids, accountants, receptionists, and food service workers is growing at 5% is not A b s t r a c t This article challenges the notion that established approaches to delivering career services are less appropriate today due to fundamental changes occurring in the nature of work. While important changes have occurred, occupations remain a viable unit of analysis for the assessment and information resources used in delivering career services. C hanges in O ccupations ? A C ommentary and I mplications for P ractice James P. Sampson, Jr. Robert C. Reardon Without doubt, many important changes have occurred in the nature of work. TPC Digest Go To Article