
A b s t r a c t We surveyed undergraduate students’ perceptions of professional counselors’ effectiveness and sources of information from which information was learned about counselors. Overall, counselors were viewed positively on the dimensions measured. The sources that most influenced perceptions were word of mouth, common knowledge, movies, school and education, friends, books, and television. P erceptions of P rofessional C ounselors : S urvey of C ollege S tudent V iews This study reports the findings of a survey administered to 261 students in a general psychology course at a private, Midwestern university regarding their perceptions of professional counselors (PCs). In particular, questions were asked about the types of counseling services utilized, the perceived overall effectiveness of various PCs, types of issues for which PCs are adept, sources of perceptions about PCs, how PCs are portrayed by sources of information, and characteristics of PCs. Respondents most frequently reported utilizing the services of a school counselor, a professional counselor, and a pastoral counselor. Overall, two-thirds of the counselors were viewed positively on the dimensions measured. The types of issues identified for which PCs are perceived as being most adept included: (1) a college student reporting homesickness, roommate problems, and or falling behind with class assignments, (2) a depressed individual, who reports feeling sad and empty most days, finds little pleasure in daily activities, has insomnia, and is unable to concentrate, (3) a young person with adequate intellectual capacity, but a pattern of academic problems (e.g., failing grades and significant underachievement, (4) a person reporting job dissatisfaction and uncertainty about career choice, (5) a family unit reporting communication problems, negative interactions, criticism, and withdrawal among family members, (6) a person who self-administers and March 10th, 2011 Richard A. Wantz Michael Firmin TPC Digest Go To Article