
in a particular environment to classify occupations or colleges in terms of RIASEC categories, but he later studied the characteristics of the college environment independent of the persons in it. Researchers have presented evidence concerning the way academic departments socialize students. They have reported that faculty members in different disciplines create unique academic environments because of their emphasis on alternative teaching goals and student competencies in their respective classes, their reliance on different approaches to classroom instruction, and their ways of interacting with students inside and outside their classes. Faculty in Investigative, Artistic, Social, and Enterprising disciplines create academic environments in a manner consistent with Holland’s theory. These findings suggest that students might best view academic programs in terms the IASE schema and focus on the kinds of abilities and interests they wish to develop while in college. Such understandings and goal setting could be explored in educational counseling. RIASEC theory also can be useful in educational counseling by specifying the kinds of conditions and traits associated with difficulties in educational decision making. Poor diagnostic signs on the Self-Directed Search, e.g., lack of congruence between expressed and assessed summary codes, low differentiation, low consistency, suggest students will require more intensive counseling interventions. This is the special province of educational counselors because of their professional counselor training as opposed to the standard training for academic advisors or coaches. Researchers have presented evidence concerning the way academic departments socialize students. TPC Digest