TPC_Journal Digests_Volume_2_Issue_1

A b s t r a c t Using qualitative research methods interviews were conducted with college students regarding the sources they used in generating perceptions of profes- sional counselors. Respondents believed that word of mouth, media sources, and personal experiences were responsible for their understandings of profes- sional counselors. The findings have applications for leaders in professional counseling organizations. Michael W. Firmin Richard A. Wantz Ruth L. Firmin Courtney B. Johnson Research has indicated that professional counselors lack public awareness, recognition, and acceptance compared to other mental health human services providers. Various approaches have been used to identify consumers’ perceptions of professional counselors. Textbook content analysis, surveys, and interviews are frequently cited in the literature for acquiring this information. Using qualitative research methods, we conducted a semi-structured in-depth interview method with 26 college students in a general psychology class regarding the sources they used in generating their perceptions of professional counselors. The participants were randomly sampled in order to maximize external validity. Responses were coded and transcripts analyzed for common themes among the participants. All participants were interviewed twice—with transcription and coding occurring between the interviews. S ources by W hich S tudents P erceive P rofessional C ounselors ’ E ffectiveness TPC Digest TPC Journal Volume 2 Issue 1