
implementation would predict better student achievement received mixed support and suggest a need for high school counselors to implement comprehensive developmental programs in order to benefit all students and improve important school and student outcomes. The program audit yielded an adequate degree of internal consistency for all 17 sections, ranging from α = .69-.99 for the total sample, with a median α of .89. Why these high school findings were not replicated at the elementary and middle school levels is puzzling, as the extant literature demonstrates a significant relationship between program implementation and student outcomes at all levels of schooling. One explanation may lie in the samples used for this study. The sample sizes used at the middle and high school levels were small, 17 and 18, respectively, reducing the power of the analyses, while the elementary sample was much larger (n = 78). A cursory inspection of the means and standard deviations from these three samples indicated that the elementary sample had the lowest level of overall program implementation and the largest spread in scores, compared to middle and high school. Why these high school findings were not replicated at the elementary and middle school levels is puzzling. TPC Digest