
A nalysis of W ebpages in CACREP- A ccredited C ounseling P rograms A b s t r a c t Growing individual access to the Internet helps universities take advantage of academic webpages to showcase unique characteristics and recruit prospective students. This study explored how the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP) accredited counseling programs has utilized their program webpages for similar purposes. Results indicate many deficiencies existing in the contents of webpages hosted by CACREP counseling programs. Yuh-Jen Guo Shelly R. Statz Craig Wynne TPC Digest Today’s globalization is significantly represented by the revolution of the Internet and the world is moving to its rhythm at a very fast speed. A large percentage of the world population (30%) connects to the Internet and 78.3% of the North American population is online. A 480.4% growth of Internet usage has been recorded in the past decade. The Internet has passed television to become a leading source of information inquiry around the world. In light of this wave of technology development, universities have quickly learned to publicize their information and unique features on university websites. The online showcase of university information has moved beyond simple information display and has become an essential component of public relations and student recruitment.