
A b s t r a c t This study sought to develop meaningful and engaging virtual cyberbullying scenarios that reflect the educational needs of today’s adolescents. In order to inform and script these scenarios, a three- stage study was implemented. This paper describes how data collected in each stage informed the cyberbullying scenarios’ development. The authors share implications for educational use in middle schools. Vivian H. Wright Joy J. Burnham Concerns over an escalating cyberbullying problem have prompted educators to search for viable and safe methods to teach cyberbullying awareness and prevention techniques. While negative assertions about technology are disconcerting and cannot be ignored, online and mobile technologies continue to evolve and present positive and beneficial ways to teach students of today and tomorrow. With the value of technologies in mind, the challenges and obstacles in cyberspace and the virtual world need to be addressed. Thus, for school counselors, teachers and principals, an overarching challenge is presented by such questions as: (1) How do we teach students to protect themselves in digital environments and prevent negative interactions such as cyberbullying? and, (2) How can technology be used as a vehicle to educate adolescents and to raise their awareness of cyberbullying? This study sought to develop meaningful and engaging virtual cyberbullying scenarios that reflect the educational needs of today’s adolescents. In order to inform and script these scenarios, a three-phase study with middle school youth was implemented. This study focused on middle school C yberbullying P revention : T he D evelopment of V irtual S cenarios for C ounselors in M iddle S chools TPC Digest