
During the senior author’s tenure on the Board for the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP), he recalls Dr. Carol Bobby, President and CEO of CACREP once remark, “I believe that the 2009 standard revision process will have more direct and positive implications for the counseling profession than any other revision process that I have seen.” Those knowledgeable about the history of accreditation and specializations in counseling will be quick to recognize the significance and truth of her words. While as a profession, counseling is still relatively A b s t r a c t In this article, the authors discuss CACREP’s role in furthering the specialty of addiction counseling. After sharing a brief history and the role of counselor certification and licensure, the authors share the process whereby CACREP developed the first set of accreditation standards specific to addiction counseling. W. Bryce Hagedorn Jack R. Culbreth Craig S. Cashwell A ddiction C ounseling A ccreditation : CACREP’ s R ole in S olidifying the C ounseling P rofession TPC Digest