
TPC Digest The Professional Counselor-DIGEST Volume 3, Issue 1 http:/ /tpcjournal.nbcc.or g © 2013 NBCC &Affiliates, Inc. 5 Sanderman, Timmerman, and Emmelkamp and the General Self Efficacy Scale (GSES) were used at the onset of the study to determine the participants’ degree of irrationality and level of perceived efficacy. The Teachers’ Irrational Beliefs Scale (TIBS) and the Teacher Sense of Efficacy Scale (TSES) were measures administered to participants post consultation to assess the impact of treatments. The pre-measures indicated no significant differences among the three groups of teachers in terms of efficacy beliefs or irrational beliefs. The measures administered post consultation yielded mixed results across the groups of participants. The overall findings of this study revealed that RE-SBC, in a face-to-face format, can be an effective way for school counselors to address efficacy beliefs and irrational beliefs of teachers. This study demonstrates the value of theory-based consultation as a part of a comprehensive school counseling program. RE- SBC, in the face-to-face format, appears to directly promote the well-being of teachers and indirectly fosters a classroom environment conducive to student success. While continued research is needed, this study appears to offer school counselors a viable method for creating systemic change. Full Article: Warren, J. M., & Gerler, E. R., Jr. (2013). Effects of school counselors’ cognitive behavioral consultation on irrational and efficacy beliefs of elementary school teachers. The Professional Counselor , 3, 6-15.