
TPC Digest The Professional Counselor-DIGEST Volume 3, Issue 1 http:/ /tpcjournal.nbcc.or g © 2013 NBCC &Affiliates, Inc. 7 Full Article: Wilson, A. D., & Johnson, P. (2013). Counselors’ understanding of process addiction: The blind spot in the counseling field. The Professional Counselor, 3, Most counselors have little training in diagnosing and treating process addiction. With regards to comfort level in assessing, diagnosing and treating process addictions, 25% of the respondents reported feeling very comfortable; 42% reported feeling comfortable; 22% reported feeling ambivalent; 6% reported not feeling comfortable; and 6% selected not applicable. Approximately 24% of the respondents had been trained to assess and screen for eating disorders. However, 36% of participants were trained to diagnose eating disorders and only 19% had been trained to treat eating disorders. From the responses of the participants in this pilot study, it can be gathered that counselors without adequate training and continued education are treating clients who live with PAs. On average, a third of the participants had been trained to diagnose eating disorders, but most had little to no training in diagnosing other various forms of process addiction. Yet, they knowingly are treating clients with addictions. With this admittance that almost 90% of the counselors identified the importance of training counselors to assess, screen, diagnose and treat process addictions, 94% also expressed interest in taking a process addictions seminar or course.