
TPC D igest Full article: Dozier, V. C., Sampson, J. P., & Reardon, R. C. (2013). Using two different Self-Directed Search (SDS) interpretive materials: Implications for career assessment. The Professional Counselor , 3 , 67–72. was administered to gather information about participants’ satisfaction with the materials and their effectiveness. The findings in this study indicate that individuals receiving the SDS IR generated by the SDS software portfolio computer system were more likely to recall their SDS overall three-letter summary code, as well as the first and third letters of their code, than those receiving the YYC and the EOF booklets. They were also more likely to expand career options for further consideration. Because the SDS software portfolio generates a more customized interpretive report, this study’s findings are consistent with Brown and Krane’s recommendations for providing individualized interpretations and feedback regarding career development interventions. The Professional Counselor -DIGEST Volume 3, Issue 2 http:/ /tpcjournal.nbcc.or g © 2013 NBCC Inc., & Affiliates 15