
TPC D igest integrates off-campus learning through community partnerships to offer students an opportunity to obtain work experience within the community while still receiving support from the school counselor, teachers and other school personnel. The school counselor and teachers collaborate on the program initiatives to promote skill development in several areas. Students develop basic work skills and a work ethic. Additionally, students develop social skills and self-determination. Furthermore, students develop various life skills, including problem solving, communication, clothes laundering, and financial planning, budgeting, and management skills. The potential benefits of the program arise from the students participating in the initiatives, along with the school community, and stakeholders within the greater community becoming directly involved through contact with the students. The initiatives also present challenges, primarily the ability to sustain the program activities without more secure funding. Finally, we, the authors, present some preliminary findings (e.g., increase in graduation rate and GPA, decrease in behavioral referrals) regarding students involved in the program initiatives and discuss recommendations for future research. Full article: Swank, J. M., & Huber, P. (2013). Employment preparation and life skill development initiatives for high school students with emotional and behavioral disabilities. The Professional Counselor , 3 , 73–81. The Professional Counselor -DIGEST Volume 3, Issue 2 http:/ /tpcjournal.nbcc.or g © 2013 NBCC Inc., & Affiliates 17