TPC D igest 29 issues, goals and treatment plans. To further enhance counselors’ ability to apply the TFM, the authors have provided a link to a video, “How to conduct a 1st counseling session,” which demonstrates the process for effectively conducting the TFM: watch?v=xrHgOoNBiWk. The purpose of creating and providing this video is to utilize the growing popularity of social media to enhance learning and practice. Despite more than 3 billion YouTube videos viewed daily, educators underutilize YouTube and other readily available social media. There is, however, evidence indicating potential benefits of utilizing YouTube and other forms of social media when educating health care professionals, providing medical information to patients, disseminating public health messages to adolescents, modeling pro-social behavior to K–12 students, and enhancing counselor skill development. Social media is an innovative tool for teaching the application of counseling strategies, which can be used at the convenience of the counselor, even on handheld devices in between client sessions. It is hoped that the video demonstration of this model will further enhance counselors’ ability to apply the proposed model. Full article: Curtis, R., Thompson, H., Juhnke, G. A., & Frick, M. H. (2013). Treatment fit: A description and demonstration via video of a brief and functional treatment fit model. The Professional Counselor , 3, 141–151. The Professional Counselor –DIGEST Volume 3, Issue 3 http:/ /tpcjournal.nbcc.or g © 2013 NBCC Inc., & Affiliates