TPC D igest 31 results indicate ways the professional association can address the needs of the state’s counselors in these areas. The areas of low perceived competence and stated preferences for the role of the professional association are at the core of the association’s efforts to revitalize its mission. Recognizing that professional competence for licensed mental health counselors develops on a continuum from pre- service to post-licensure, the authors discuss collaborative relationships with counselor education programs as one way to strengthen the long-term development of professional counselors. Ultimately, challenges facing the profession of mental health counseling can best be addressed when strong professional associations work in concert with counselors and counselor education programs to advance the interests of the profession. This exploratory study serves as an early step for one state to more explicitly focus on these important connections. Full article: Darcy, M. G., & Abed-Faghri, N. M. (2013). The relationship between counselors and their state professional association: Exploring counselor professional identity. The Profes- sional Counselor , 3 , 152–160. The Professional Counselor –DIGEST Volume 3, Issue 3 http:/ /tpcjournal.nbcc.or g © 2013 NBCC Inc., & Affiliates