TPC D igest 34 R ole ambiguity in professional school counseling has been an ongoing concern for many decades. The current study explored the potential impact of role diffusion as a contributor to role ambiguity among professional school counselors. Role diffusion refers to the process of assuming or being appointed to roles and duties that individuals from other fields or specialties are equally qualified to perform in the work environment. The authors hypothesize that the role of professional school counselors may be weakened when school counselors regularly engage in duties that do not draw upon their unique counseling expertise. The researchers therefore posed three research questions for this study: 1. Of the typical duties suggested for school counselors, which duties are the most unique to the role of the counselor (i.e., least role diffused)? 2. Of the typical duties suggested for school counselors, which duties are the least unique to the role of the counselor (i.e., most role diffused)? 3. What other school personnel are identified as equally qualified to perform various duties suggested for professional school counselors? The researchers developed an instrument to assess for potential role diffusion among typical school counseling duties as outlined in the American School Counselor Association’s National Model. Participants in the study included 108 graduate counseling students enrolled in a CACREP-accredited Identifying Role Diffusion in School Counseling – DIGEST Randall L. Astramovich is an Associate Professor at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Wendy J. Hoskins is an Associate Professor at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Antonio P. Gutierrez is an Assistant Professor at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Kerry A. Bartlett, NCC, is a School Counselor at Basic High School, Henderson, NV. Correspondence can be addressed to Randall L. Astramovich, Counselor Education Program, University of Nevada Las Vegas, 4505 Maryland Pkwy, Box 453014, Las Vegas, NV 89154-3014, Randall L. Astramovich Wendy J. Hoskins Antonio P. Gutierrez Kerry A. Bartlett