TPC D igest 35 The Professional Counselor –DIGEST Volume 3, Issue 3 http:/ /tpcjournal.nbcc.or g © 2013 NBCC Inc., & Affiliates Full article: Astramovich, R. L., Hoskins, W. J., Gutierrez, A. P., & Bartlett, K. A. (2013). Identifying role diffusion in school counseling. The Professional Counselor , 3 , 175–185. counseling program in a a large southwestern university. The instrument asked participants to identify which of eight school personnel would be competent to perform duties in five domains: Career, Academic, Personal-Social, Direct Counseling, and Support. The researchers found that participants rated Direct Counseling services as the least diffused, and thus most unique, role of the school counselor. On the other hand, participants rated duties in the Academic, Personal-Social, and Career domains as significantly more diffused, suggesting that duties in these domains may be competently performed by other school personnel including school psychologists and school social workers. Another finding was that teachers were rated as equally competent to perform duties suggested of school counselors in all domains except Direct Counseling. Based on these findings, the researchers suggest that professional school counselors and school counselor education programs may need to advocate for the increased provision of direct counseling services in school settings. The researchers also recommend further research to help clarify which roles suggested for school counselors are in fact duplicative of the efforts of other school personnel.