TPC D igest 23 The Professional Counselor –DIGEST Volume 3, Issue 3 http:/ /tpcjournal.nbcc.or g © 2013 NBCC Inc., & Affiliates Full article: Haemmelmann, K. L., & McClain, M. -C. (2013). A therapeutic approach for treating chronic illness and disability among college students. The Professional Counselor , 3 , 105–116. the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. The theoretical framework provided for therapeutic intervention is founded on the illness intrusiveness model. This theory was selected in order to place an emphasis on social and psychological factors that have a direct effect on life outcomes. The model also encompasses the idea of locus-of-control, or personal self-efficacy, which has generated much discussion in the college literature over the years. Finally, the illness intrusiveness model is said to mediate the impact of psychosocial factors on chronic conditions, which is key when collaborating therapeutically with students with disabilities. The five key domains are presented (e.g., social factors) and facilitates the appropriate monitoring of evidence-based practices using an existing measure, the Illness Intrusiveness Rating Scale (IIRS). Finally, the theoretical framework for CBT is provided and integrated with the illness intrusiveness model. This proposed intervention could be used to enhance students’ well-being, adaptation and academic success. Final thoughts and future research directions and application, also are provided.