TPC D igest 25 defined in specific historical losses (e.g., loss of people, land, family and culture) that have resulted in historical loss symptoms (e.g., psychological distress, social-environmental distress, physiological distress) that continue today. In this article, the author explores the specific historical losses and historical loss symptoms for this population. Next, the effect trauma has on a person’s psychological functioning is explained. Further, the author identifies how trauma responses are transmitted to subsequent generations. The article concludes with recommendations for professional counselors to utilize in their clinical work, and potential implications and directions for future research. This article helps professional counselors understand how the historical losses suffered generations ago have resulted in the transfer of historical loss symptoms to subsequent and current generations of Native Americans, and provides guidance to counselors for implementing this knowledge in clinical practice and future empirical research. Full article: Brown-Rice, K. (2013). Examining the theory of historical trauma among Native Americans. The Professional Counselor , 3, 117–130. The Professional Counselor –DIGEST Volume 3, Issue 3 http:/ /tpcjournal.nbcc.or g © 2013 NBCC Inc., & Affiliates