
TPC D igest 7 Melodie H. Frick, NCC, is an Assistant Professor at Western Carolina University. Harriett L. Glosoff, NCC, is a Professor at Montclair State University. Correspondence can be addressed to Melodie H. Frick, 91 Killian Building Lane, Room 204, Cullowhee, NC, 28723, mhfrick@email.wcu.edu. C ounselor education doctoral stu- dents must become knowledgeable of supervision roles and theoretical models, and must demonstrate applied clini- cal skills as part of their supervision training (CACREP, 2009). During their supervision training, doctoral students are in a unique position of supervising counselors-in-training while also being supervised by faculty ( tiered supervision ); they engage in multiple tasks that include conducting evaluations of coun- selors-in-training while also receiving perfor- mance feedback from both their supervisees and their faculty supervisors. The purpose of this qualitative study was to answer the fol- lowing two research questions: (a) What are the experiences of counselor doctoral students who work within a tiered supervision training model as they train to become supervisors? (b) What experiences influence their sense of self-efficacy as supervisors? Participants in this study were 16 coun- selor doctoral students at 3 universities who supervised master’s-level students while being supervised by faculty supervisors. The first author, using a semi-structured interview protocol, conducted one focus group at each university to explore the self-constructed real- ities of participants as counselor supervisors- in-training and the meaning they placed on their experiences within a tiered supervision model. Participants also engaged in a post- session follow-up by responding to four open- ended questions. This afforded them a way to further explore and respond to questions about their supervisory experiences privately, without concern of peer judgment. Becoming a Supervisor: Qualitative Findings on Self-Efficacy Beliefs of Doctoral Student Supervisors-in-Training – DIGEST Melodie H. Frick Harriet L. Glosoff