
14 TPC D igest Multicultural pedagogy in its current state may not address the best ways to establish the therapeutic alliance, which has been found to be essential to multicultural engagement. A solution to this issue can be found in Relational-Cultural Theory (RCT), which places emphasis on rela- tionships in context to help understand functioning. The theory also encourages mutual empathy, a tool that goes beyond traditional empathy by reflectively involving the client in the empathic ex- change. By giving attention primarily to the client’s worldview, RCT uses the knowledge gained in conjunction with authenticity and mutual empathy to enhance the therapeutic alliance. This article discusses how governing and accrediting bodies have addressed multicultural is- sues, the response in counselor education, and barriers to engagement with diverse clients. Fi- nally, the article introduces RCT as a means to address the skill deficit in multicultural pedagogy. Following the introduction, the article includes a case illustration, which demonstrates a possible way to use RCT with clients. Full article and references: Hall, K. G., Barden, S., & Conley, A. (2014). A relational-cultural framework: Emphasizing relational dynamics and multicultural skill development. The Professional Counselor , 4 , 71–83. doi:10.15241/kgh.4.1.71 The Professional Counselor DIGEST Volume 4, Issue 1 http://tpcjournal.nbcc.org © 2014 NBCC, Inc. and Affiliates