
26 TPC D igest elements of student veterans’ career development. Assessments are used to determine participants’ pre- and post-group perceptions of their career development in order to determine change related to the intervention. The authors also discuss the benefits of assessing needs prior to developing interventions. Implications for practice and research include balancing general and practical elements of career development in career interventions for student veterans, and enhancing service delivery through collaboration between student veterans’ centers and career centers. The importance of utilizing evidence-based career-development theories is also discussed. In addition, the identification of several of the respondents as distance learners indicates a need for developing Web-based career interventions. Efficiency and effectiveness in addressing the career-development needs of veterans is critically important, given the limited resources for assisting the veteran population. Though this study focused on career-related issues of student veterans, assessing perceived needs and adapting interventions accordingly will ensure that professionals can fully attend to the needs of this popula- tion. Full article and references: Hayden, S., Ledwith, K., Shengli, D., & Buzzetta, M. (2014). Assessing the career-development needs of student veterans: A proposal for career interventions. The Professional Counselor , 4 , 129–138. doi:10.15241/sh.4.2.129 The Professional Counselor DIGEST Volume 4, Issue 2 http://tpcjournal.nbcc.org © 2014 NBCC, Inc. and Affiliates