
28 TPC D igest Recommendations for further research and counseling practice are discussed, specifically the manner in which counselors can utilize veterans’ confidence and control to help them navigate the transition process. The primary limitation of the study was a large number of respondents were in the post-transition phase. Counselors can help clients identify areas of control that are present before, during and after the transition. Also, counselors can address confidence of the military member before, during and after the transition process. Counselors can help clients assess their readiness for the military-to-civilian career transition, including both emotional and practical preparation. Full article and references: Robertson, H. C., & Brott, P. E. (2014). Military veterans’ midlife career transition and life satisfaction. The Professional Counselor , 4 , 139–149. doi:10.15241/hcr.4.2.139 The Professional Counselor DIGEST Volume 4, Issue 2 http://tpcjournal.nbcc.org © 2014 NBCC, Inc. and Affiliates