
18 TPC D igest sionals to be appropriately credentialed (e.g., licensed), and credentialing results in the mandatory adherence to a set of professional ethical standards. Professional ethical standards may not always align with military regulations. Thus, an analysis of the counselor ethical codes relevant to the military population is presented. At times, discrepancies between military protocol and counselor ethical codes may emerge; therefore, recommendations for navigating such ethical dilemmas are provided. A case study and analysis from the perspective of two ethical decision-making models are presented. Full article and references: Prosek, E. A., & Holm, J. M. (2014). Counselors in the military: When protocol and ethics conflict. The Professional Counselor , 4 , 93–102. doi:10.15241/eap.4.2.93 The Professional Counselor DIGEST Volume 4, Issue 2 http:/ /tpcjournal.nbcc.or g © 2014 NBCC, Inc. and Affiliates