
TPC D igest 21 Mary Alice Fernandez, NCC, is an Assistant Professor at Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi. Melissa Short is a doctoral student at Walden University Online. Correspondence can be addressed to Mary Alice Fernandez, 6300 Ocean Drive, Unit 5834, Corpus Christi, TX 78412-5834, mary.fernandez@tamucc.edu . C ounselors working with combat veter- ans are in a unique position to honor our heroes. Combat veterans have of- fered the supreme sacrifice and some are pay- ing a price for it with combat post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The task of providing mental health services to a growing veteran population and immediate family members is daunting, due to the lack of accessible services and the complexities of the disorder. This article offers an overview of resources available to mental health counselors to assess, case-conceptualize, diagnose and treat a grow- ing population of combat veterans with PTSD. The goal is to bring awareness of new thera- pies as well as best practices in treating com- bat PTSD to both beginning counselors and more experienced counselors. The compilation of resources begins with diagnostic criteria; assessment tools; evidence-based practices, including new technologies for treating PTSD; and culminates with a list of Web sites avail- able to counselors and veterans. Making a diagnosis of PTSD requires as- sessment of symptoms, a structured interview, and knowledge of the client to make an evalu- ative judgment that leads to the development Wounded Warriors with PTSD: A Compilation of Best Practices and Technology in Treatment – DIGEST Mary Alice Fernandez Melissa Short