
78 TPC D igest Full article and references: Duncan, K., Brown-Rice, K., & Bardhoshi, G. (2014). Perceptions of the importance and utilization of clinical supervision among certified rural school counselors. The Professional Counselor , 4 , 444–454. doi:10.15241/kd.4.5.444 rated the importance of receiving future clinical supervision training as important to extremely important. The results of this study indicate that the majority of school counselors surveyed (79%) perceive clinical supervision as important. This number is in stark contrast to the actual number of counselors receiving supervision, with the overwhelming majority of the participants stating that they are not receiving any individual or group supervision (94% and 91%, respectively). Although these findings confirm the results of previous studies conducted with school counselors that point to a clinical supervision deficit, the extremely low clinical supervision rates from the current study may also be tapping into challenges specific to rural school counselors. It is possible that many practicing rural school counselors have not engaged in supervision since their university training program and feel unequipped to answer questions about its nature or importance, which could potentially have larger implications regarding the counselors’ clinical skill application. Recommendations for meeting the supervision needs of school counselors, while also being sensitive to challenges inherent in rural settings, are provided. These recommendations invite the potential involvement of multiple stakeholders, including professional school counselors, school administrators, counselor educators and state professional organizations. The Professional Counselor DIGEST Volume 4, Issue 5 http://tpcjournal.nbcc.org © 2014 NBCC, Inc. and Affiliates