
80 TPC D igest Logic modeling is a systematic approach to enabling high-quality program evaluations through processes designed to result in pictorial representations of a program’s theory of action. Logic modeling surfaces and summarizes the explicit and implicit logic of how a program operates to produce its desired benefits and results. By applying logic modeling to an analysis of the ASCA National Model, the authors intended to fully explicate the relationships between structures and activities advocated by the model and their anticipated benefits. The visual logic model presented within the paper includes three outcomes, seven outputs, six major clusters of activities and two inputs. Finally, the paper explicitly discusses how to use the logic model to support a number of important evaluation studies necessary for determining ASCA National Model efficacy. Full article and references: Martin, I., & Carey, J. (2014). Development of a logic model to guide evaluations of the ASCA national model for school counseling programs. The Professional Counselor , 4 , 455–466. doi:10.15241/im.4.5.455 The Professional Counselor DIGEST Volume 4, Issue 5 http://tpcjournal.nbcc.org © 2014 NBCC, Inc. and Affiliates