
90 TPC D igest Full article and references: Shi, Q., Liu, X., & Leuwerke, W. (2014). Students’ perceptions of school counselors: An investigation of two high schools in Beijing, China. The Professional Counselor , 4 , 519–530. doi:10.15241/qs.4.5.519 The Professional Counselor DIGEST Volume 4, Issue 5 http://tpcjournal.nbcc.org © 2014 NBCC, Inc. and Affiliates Results showed that 48.9% ( n = 67) of the participants reported seeing a counselor at least once. Fifty-three students completed the evaluation of their school counselors. Students’ most positive descriptions of their counselors were friendliness, approachability and ability to explain things clearly. The lowest rated attributes were knowledge of college admission and vocational information. A statistically significant result was found in students’ ratings of school counselors’ availability based on the students’ genders as well as whether students had previously received counseling services. A statistically significant interaction effect was found between gender and whether or not the students had received counseling services. Future research directions are provided.