DIGEST - Volume 8, Issue 4-FULL

2 TPC Digest T he World Health Organization estimates that approximately one in five adults are diagnosed with a mental illness each year. Despite these large numbers, approximately two-thirds of individuals in the United States and worldwide who suffer from mental health issues avoid or do not have access to mental health treatment. Measuring barriers to counseling, or the reasons behind why prospective clients might be reticent to seeking counseling, is an important first step in improving access to mental health support services for prospective clients. The Fit, Stigma, & Value (FSV) Scale was developed and refined into a revised version by the present authors and a colleague to appraise barriers to seeking counseling among mental health professionals (e.g., professional counselors and Identifying Barriers to Attendance in Counseling Among Adults in the United States Confirming the Factor Structure of the Revised Fit, Stigma, & Value Scale Michael T. Kalkbrenner and Edward S. Neukrug 2 | TPC Digest