DIGEST - Volume 9, Issue 4- FULL DIGEST

3 TPC Digest Read full article and references: Pester, D., Lenz, A. S., Watson, J. C., Dell’Aquila, J., & Nyki, A. (2018). Evidence for use of a psychometric Inventory of New College Student Adjustment with Ghanaian students: Implications for the professional globalization of counseling. The Professional Counselor , 8 , 11–20. doi: 10.15241/dp.8.1.11 Read full article and r ferences: Robi o, A. E. (2019).Global compassion fatigue: A new perspective in counselor wellness. The Professional Counselor , 9 , 272–284. doi : 10.15241/aer.9.4.272 3 |