DIGEST-Volume-10-Issue-2-FULL ISSUE

5 TPC Digest 5 | To comprehensively support students in foster care, it is essential that school counselors collaborate with stakeholders to implement evidence-based interventions. To illustrate, working with teachers, administrators, and staff to cultivate a positive school climate may be particularly beneficial for students in foster care, as this environment encourages healthy relationships, thoughtful behaviors, and academic engagement. Additionally, school counselors can educate and prepare the school community to more effectively serve and respond to the needs of students in foster care. For example, school counselors can work proactively by providing stakeholder training on topics such as reflective listening, creating secure attachments, responding to behaviors, and setting boundaries. When stakeholders are informed, the entire school community can respond to the unique needs of students in foster care, strengthen relationships that promote school success, and create an inclusive environment where all students feel safe while learning. Furthermore, school counselors play an important role in helping students and families access relevant school and community resources, which may be particularly crucial for students in foster care. For example, group counseling and mentorship programs can provide students with the skills they need to be successful, while also encouraging a sense of community, normalcy, and belonging. Moreover, it is critical that school counselors not only acknowledge the complex experiences of students in foster care but also familiarize themselves with the areas in which these students may need extra support. Despite the many challenges students in foster care face, school counselors have the opportunity to advocate for these students, remove barriers to learning, reach them through evidence-based interventions, and ultimately equip them with the tools and skills they need to experience greater success. Hannah Brinser is a master’s candidate at Gonzaga University. Addy Wissel, PhD, is an associate professor and program director at Gonzaga University. Correspondence may be addressed to Hannah Brinser, 502 E. Boone Ave., Spokane, WA 99258, hannahbrinser@gmail.com. Read full article and references: Brinser, H., & Wissel, A. (2020). Serving students in foster care: Implications and interventions for school counselors. The Professional Counselor , 10 (2) , 170–180. doi :10.15241/hb.10.2.170