DIGEST - Volume 10, Issue 3-FULL DIGEST

10 TPC Digest Melissa Sitton, Tina Du Rocher Schudlich, Christina Byrne, Chase M. Ochrach, Seneca E. A. Erwin Family Functioning and Self-Injury in Treatment-Seeking Adolescents | ngagement in self-injurious behavior (SIB) is sadly common in adolescents with traits of borderline personality disorder (BPD). The family systems theory framework suggests that researchers and clinicians should consider a problematic behavior—such as SIB—in the context of the family rather than focusing on one individual member. This familial approach is further supported by the fact that both SIB and BPD seem to be influenced by social environments. Despite the need for inclusion of family functioning when examining SIB, few past studies have assessed basic familial environmental indicators, including family communication, roles, problem-solving, affective involvement, affective responsiveness, and behavioral control. Implications for Counselors E