DIGEST - Volume 10, Issue 3-FULL DIGEST

The Professional Counselor Digest TM Volume 10, Issue 3 Table of Contents 1 Lifetime Achievement in Counseling Series: An Interview With Mona Robinson Joshua D. Smith, Neal D. Gray 2 Strengthening the Behavioral Health Workforce: Spotlight on PITCH Jessica Lloyd-Hazlett, Cory Knight, Stacy Ogbeide, Heather Trepal, Noel Blessing 5 Training Counselors to Work With the Families of Incarcerated Persons: A National Survey Jessica Burkholder, David Burkholder, Stephanie Hall, Victoria Porter 7 Case Formulation and Intervention: Application of the Five Ps Framework in Substance Use Counseling Scott W. Peters 8 Assessment of Dispositions in Program Admissions: The Professional Disposition Competence Assessment—Revised Admission (PDCA-RA) Curtis Garner, Brenda Freeman, Roger Stewart, Ken Coll