
25 TPC Digest 25 | TPC Digest T he NBCC MFP aims to provide an inclusive environment for each cohort of fellows, and the MFP structure includes provisions for fellows to craft individual goals for their fellowship years, engage in additional multiculturally oriented trainings, and develop relationships with MFP-sponsored mentors. The structure aspires to best prepare fellows for postdoctoral careers in counselor education and as clinical supervisors. We collated descriptive statistics from surveys distributed quarterly to current NBCC MFP fellows and annually to NBCC MFP alumni. Next, we utilized thematic analysis to categorize the qualitative data from one survey question: “In what ways has this scholarship or fellowship been meaningful to you?” The overarching theme of access to the profession emerged with the subthemes of doctoral program completion, networking, supportive cohort, financial support, and mentorship . The remaining themes were clinical and multicultural competence , with the subtheme of counselor identity , and paying it forward , with the subtheme of leadership . T he findings suggest that the NBCC MFP’s goal of increasing diverse representation within CES is being met. Implications for CES programs include increasing awareness of the NBCC MFP amongst counselor educators and doctoral students for a larger applicant pool, encouraging CES faculty and clinical supervisors to engage in the NBCC MFP multicultural trainings to increase multicultural competency, and replicating those elements of the NBCC MFP structure that support CES students to succeed. L imitations to the study include a low survey response rate and analysis of only one of nine short-answer survey questions. Future research may include a more comprehensive analysis with a larger number of respondents. Other areas worthy of future study include examining NBCC MFP counselor self-efficacy before and after the fellowship year and exploring factors contributing to the recruitment and retention of more males of color. Susan F. Branco, PhD, NCC, ACS, BC-TMH, LPC, LCPC, is a clinical assistant professor at The Family Institute at Northwestern University. Melonie Davis, MA, NCC, LCMHC-A, is Professional Development Coordinator for the National Board for Certified Counselors Foundation. Correspondence may be addressed to Susan Branco, 618 Library Place, Evanston, IL 60201, susan.branco@northwestern.edu.