The stock photos in this publication are not intended to indicate an endorsement, attitude, or opinion by the models, or to indicate that the models suffer from the mental health concerns mentioned. The Professional Counselor DIGEST is an abbreviated version of the journal, The Professional Counselor, intended for the general public. The National Board for Certified Counselors, Inc. and Affiliates publishes The Professional Counselor and The Professional Counselor DIGEST. The Professional Counselor DIGEST © 2023 NBCC, Inc. and Affiliates | 3 Terrace Way, Greensboro, NC 27403-3660 1 School Counseling in the Aftermath of COVID-19: Perspectives of School Counselors in Tennessee Chloe Lancaster, Michelle W. Brasfield 3 An Examination of Client Bias Toward Overweight, Underweight, and Average-Weight Counselors Amy Biang, Clare Merlin-Knoblich, Stella Y. Kim 4 Teen Dating Violence: Examining Counseling Students’ Responses to Gendered Vignettes Kelly Emelianchik-Key, Bridget Glass, Adriana C. Labarta 7 Perceptions and Experiences of School Counselor Trainees on Self-Care Grounded in Mindfulness and Social–Emotional Learning Kyoung Mi Choi, Jung H. Hyun 8 Adult Adoptees’ Adoption-Related Experiences of Counseling, Loss, and Grief: A Transcendental Phenomenological Study Marissa Meyer, Elizabeth Wiggins, Gregory M. Elliott 11 A Phenomenological Exploration of Counselors-in-Training’s Experiences of Microaggressions From Clients Corrine R. Sackett, Heather L. Mack, Jyotsana Sharma, Ryan M. Cook, Jardin Dogan-Dixon The Professional Counselor Digest TM Volume 13, Issue 2 Table of Contents the team Richelle Joe, Editor Catherine Clifton, Managing Editor Gretchen C. Porter, Editing Team Lead Rachel P. Sommers, Graphics Team Lead Kristin Rairden, Sr. Graphics Specialist Kylie P. Dotson-Blake, Publisher School Counseling in the Aftermath of COVID-19: Perspectives of School Counselors in Tennessee 1 7 Perceptions and Experiences of School Counselor Trainees on Self-Care Grounded in Mindfulness and Social–Emotional Learning 11 A Phenomenological Exploration of Counselors-in-Training’s Experiences of Microaggressions From Clients