
The Professional Counselor \ Volume 1, Issue 1 35 General Self-Efficacy (GSE). Two-way ANOVA analyses were conducted to evaluate the effects of a participant’s group (experimental or control) and identified attributes (grade, age, gender, gender of primary caregiver and number of parents in the household) on general self-efficacy. Statistical significance was shown in the difference between the experimental and control group when averaged across the primary caregiver levels (male or female), F (1, 78) = 5.51, p < .05, partial η² = .07. No other main effect or any interaction effects were found to be significant on the GSE measure (see Table 3). Social Self-Efficacy (SSE). The results for the two-way ANOVA on social self-efficacy indicated two statistically significant main effects. The primary caregiver factor, averaged across the grouping factor (experimental or control) was found to be significant at the alpha level .001, F (1, 78) = 11.24, p < .001, partial η² = .13 (see Table 4). The second main effect showing significance was the number of parents in the household (1, 2, or none), F (2, 76) = 3.51, p < .05, partial η² = .08 (see Table 5). Table 3 Two-Way Analysis of Variance for General Self-Efficacy by Primary Caregiver Gender Source df F η p Group (G) 1 5.51* .07 .02 Primary caregiver gender (PC) 1 3.24 .04 .08 G*PC 1 2.14 .03 .15 Error 78 (113.86) Note. Values enclosed in parentheses represent mean square errors. * p < .05. Table 4 Two-Way Analysis of Variance for Social Self-Efficacy by Primary Caregiver Gender Source df F η p Group (G) 1 2.47 .03 .12 Primary caregiver gender (PC) 1 11.24** .13 .001 G*PC 1 .30 .004 .58 Error 78 (25.84) Note. Values enclosed in parentheses represent mean square errors. ** p < .001. Table 5 Two-Way Analysis of Variance for Social Self-Efficacy by Number of Parents in Household Source df F η p Group (G) 1 2.36 .03 .13 # Parents in Household (#P) 2 3.51* .08 .04 G*#PC 2 1.11 .03 .34 Error 76 (27.05) Note. Values enclosed in parentheses represent mean square errors. * p < .05.