
v Helping Military Families Cope Venezuelan Counseling: Advancement and Current Challenges The Counseling Program at the University of Zulia: An International Program Social Distance and Mental Illness: Attitudes Among Mental Health and Non-Mental Health Professionals and Trainees Bringing Life to e-Learning: Incorporating a Synchronous Approach to Online Teaching in Counselor Education 1 5 10 13 21 The Effect of Parenthood Education on Self-Efficacy and Parent Effectiveness in an Alternative High School Student Population Changes in Occupations? A Commentary and Implications for Practice Silent Suffering: Children with Selective Mutism Counseling Older Adults in LGBT Communities A Preliminary Exploration of Support Systems for Parents of Children with Special Needs 29 46 57 63 Go To Article Go To Article Go To Article Go To Article Go To Article Go To Article Go To Article Go To Article Go To Article Go To Article Perceptions of Professional Counselors: Survey of College Student Views The Symbiotic Relationships of the Counseling Profession’s Accrediting Body, American Counseling Association, Flagship Journal and National Certification Agency 71 Go To Article Go To Article Contents Volume 1, Issue 1 41 82