
The Professional Counselor \ Volume 1, Issue 1 65 What would be the ratio of each factor that might be contributing to your stress level? Raising a child(ren) with special needs About 1–25% 9 12.2 About 26–40% 15 20.3 About 41–60% 15 20.3 About 61–80% 23 31.1 About 81–100% 11 14.9 Financial concerns About 1–25% 15 20.3 About 26–40% 20 27.0 About 41–60% 12 16.2 About 61–80% 7 9.5 About 81–100% 15 20.3 Have you sought professional services (i.e., therapies) in dealing with your stress of raising a child(ren) with special needs? Yes 30 40.5 No 43 58.1 If you answered No to the previous question, what was (were) your reason(s) for not seeking professional services (i.e., therapies)? ( n = 43) Unable to afford the service 5 11.6 Schedule conflict 7 16.3 Did not know about any service available 7 16.3 Unable to find a service that seemed helpful for your needs 12 27.9 Counseling as a category of received service ( n =30) Type of service you have received: Individual counseling 22 73.3 Couples counseling 3 10.0 Family counseling 7 23.3 How helpful was the service for dealing with your stress? Very helpful 7 23.3 Somewhat helpful 12 40.0 Neutral 2 6.7 Somewhat unhelpful 2 6.7 Very unhelpful 3 10.0 Compared with your stress level before receiving service, how much has it changed after receiving service? Not changed at all 2 6.7 Greatly reduced 12 40.0 Somewhat reduced 7 23.3 Unsure 2 6.7 Somewhat increased 2 6.7 Greatly increased 2 6.7 Survey Items No. of Responses % Responses