
66 The Professional Counselor \ Volume 1, Issue 1 Compared with your outlook on raising your child(ren) with special needs before receiving service, how much has it changed after receiving service? Not changed at all 3 10.0 Greatly more optimistic 12 40.0 Somewhat more optimistic 4 13.3 Unsure 6 20.0 Somewhat more pessimistic 1 3.3 Greatly pessimistic 0 0.0 Group as a category of received service ( n =16) Group counseling 2 12.5 Support group 14 87.5 How helpful was the service for dealing with your stress? Very helpful 6 37.5 Somewhat helpful 8 50.0 Neutral 1 6.3 Somewhat unhelpful 0 0.0 Very unhelpful 1 6.3 Compared with your stress level before receiving service, how much has it changed after receiving service? Not changed at all 0 0.0 Greatly reduced 10 62.5 Somewhat reduced 3 18.8 Unsure 1 6.3 Somewhat increased 2 12.5 Greatly increased 0 0.0 Compared with your outlook on raising your child(ren) with special needs before receiving service, how much has it changed after receiving service? Not changed at all 1 6.3 Greatly more optimistic 8 50.0 Somewhat more optimistic 2 12.5 Unsure 3 18.8 Somewhat more pessimistic 1 6.3 Greatly more pessimistic 0 0.0 Items for the respondents who sought a professional service(s) in the past for dealing with their stress of raising their children with special needs ( n =30) What have you gained from receiving service(s)? Peer support 8 26.7 Professional support 7 23.3 Network 10 33.3 Specific knowledge about the child(ren)’s disability(ies) 14 46.7 Specific skills for dealing with the child(ren)’s needs 13 43.3 Survey Items No. of Responses % Responses