
128 The Professional Counselor \ Volume 1, Issue 2 d = .07, which represents a very small effect. Analysis of self-reported perception of self also failed to reveal a significant difference between the groups, t (10) = 0.76; p < .46. The effect size was computed as d = .23, which represents a small effect. Table 2 Pre- and Post-Test Comparisons of the Impact of the PEGS Program Assessment Instrument M ( SD ) Statistics Pre-Test Post-Test t p d Teacher-reported ( df = 10) SSRS - Social skill 16.45 (16.48) 14.73 (18.93) 0.38 .71 .11 SSRS - Problem behaviors 92.45 (9.56) 86.55 (14.77) 1.95 .08 .59 Bully behaviors 8.0 (4.56) 7.82 (4.45) 0.13 .90 .04 Peer victimization 6.45 (3.11) 6.64 (3.93) -0.20 .84 .06 Self-reported ( df = 10) SSRS - Social skill 13.27 (7.54) 24.09 (20.46) -1.52 .16 .46 SSRS - Problem behaviors 68.0 (21.52) 54.45 (23.05) 2.81 .02 .85 Bully behaviors 3.55 (1.86) 3.18 (2.82) .52 .62 .15 Peer victimization 7.27 (4.2) 5.82 (3.57) 2.95 .01 .89 Self-esteem 19.0 (4.88) 19.27 (3.9) -0.22 .83 .07 Perception of self 15.27 (2.94) 14.64 (1.69) 0.76 .46 .23 Within Group Analysis – ARK Teacher-reported measures. Results were analyzed using paired-samples t -tests comparing the pre-test assessment scores of the ARK Program to the post-test assessment scores of the ARK Program. Mean scores, significance, and effect size are displayed in Table 3. Analysis of teacher-reported social skills revealed a significant difference between the pre- and post-test assessments, t (2) = 6.25; p < .02. The effect size was computed as d = 3.61, which represents a very large effect. Analysis of teacher-reported problem behaviors failed to reveal a significant difference between the pre- and post-test assessments, t (2) = 1.84; p < .21. The effect size was computed as d = 1.06, which represents a very large effect. Analysis of teacher-reported bullying behaviors revealed a significant difference between the pre- and post-test assessments, t (2) = 5.00; p < .04. The effect size was computed as d = 2.88, which represents a very large effect. Analysis of teacher-reported peer victimization failed to reveal a significant difference between the pre- and post-test assessments, t (2) = 0.00; p < 1.00. The effect size was computed as d = 0, which represents no effect. Self-reported measures. Results were analyzed using paired-samples t -tests comparing the pre-test assessment scores of the ARK Program to the post-test assessment scores of the ARK Program. Mean scores, significance, and effect size are displayed in Table 3. Analysis of self-reported social skills revealed a significant difference between the pre- and post-test assessments, t (3) = -4.14; p < .03. The effect size was computed as d = 2.07, which represents a very large effect. Analysis of self-reported problem behaviors failed to reveal a significant difference between the pre- and post-test assessments, t (3) = 1.31; p < .28. The effect size was computed as d = .65, which represents a medium effect. Analysis of self-reported bullying behaviors revealed a significant difference between the pre- and post-test assessments, t (3) = 5.42; p < .01. The effect size was computed as d = 2.71, which represents a very large effect. Analysis of self-reported peer victimization failed to reveal a significant difference between the pre- and post-test assessments, t (3) = 1.14; p < .34. The effect size