162 The Professional Counselor \ Volume 1, Issue 1 6. As counselors, we sometimes become overcommitted to clients who are not as ready, motivated, or willing to engage in the counseling process. Not all of our clients will succeed in the way that we want them to. How do you feel when your clients don’t grow in the way you want them to? How has this issue been addressed in supervision? 7. What is your perception of how your supervisors have dealt with stress? 8. How has counselor burnout been addressed in supervision? prompt: asked about, evaluated, provided reading materials, and how often 9. How have specific issues related to burnout been addressed in supervision such as: (a) over-commitment to clients who seem less motivated to change, (b) emotional exhaustion, and (c) elusive measures of success? 10. How could supervision be improved in addressing counselor burnout? prompt: asked about, evaluated, provided reading materials, modeled by supervisor 11. What do you know about self-care or how would you define self-care for counselors? 12. What are examples of self-care, specifically ones that you use as counselors-in-training? 13. How has counselor self-care been addressed in supervision? 14. Sometimes we have to say “no.” How would you characterize your ability to say “no?” What have you learned in supervision about setting personal and professional boundaries? 15. What, if any, discussions have you had in supervision about your social, emotional, spiritual, and/or physical wellbeing? What is a specific example? 16. How could supervision be improved in addressing counselor self-care? prompt: asked about, provided reading materials, modeled by supervisor 17. How could your overall counselor training be improved in addressing counselor burnout and counselor self-care? Appendix B Follow-Up Questionnaire 1. How would you describe counselor burnout? 2. How has counselor burnout been addressed in supervision? 3. How could supervision be improved in addressing counselor burnout? 4. How would you describe self-care for counselors? 5. How has counselor self-care been addressed in supervision? 6. How could supervision be improved in addressing counselor self-care? 7. How could your overall counselor training be improved in addressing counselor burnout and counselor self-care?
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