The Professional Counselor \ Volume 1, Issue 1 167 Method Participants Two hundred ninety individuals between the ages of 18 and 71 responded to our study. Forty-seven percent (n = 131) of respondents identified as lesbian, 42% (n = 117) as gay, and 4% (n = 12) as bisexual. More than half of the respondents identified their gender identity as woman (51%, n = 154), 45% (n=127) as man, 2% (n = 5) as transgender, and 2% (n = 5) as “other.” Seventy-three percent (n = 204) had an associate’s degree or higher, and 69% (n=192) identified as White (see Table 1 for complete demographics). Due to the small number of transgender respondents, we did not examine their experiences by gender identity. We do recognize, however, the unique interaction between gender identity and sexual identity, and encourage future research in this area. Table 1 Demographics of Participants Age 18–71 years ( M =38) Total % Gender Man 127 45 Woman 154 51 Transgender 5 2 Other 5 2 Sexual Orientation Lesbian 131 47 Gay Male 117 42 Bisexual 12 4 Other 12 4 Ethnicity African American 8 3 Asian American 17 6 White 192 69 Hispanic/Latino 22 8 American Indian 7 3 Bi-Racial/Multi-Racial 17 6 Other 17 6 Education Level Some High School 1 <1 High School Diploma 7 3 Some College, Tech. 70 25 Associate’s Degree 15 5 Bachelor’s Degree 92 33 Master’s Degree 75 27 Doctoral Degree 22 8 Other 13 5
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