
220 The Professional Counselor \ Volume 1, Issue 1 Once the Sexual Orientation Scale has undergone further empirical investigation and eventual modifications, the use of the scale in counselor training programs should be considered. This would be done in hopes of (a) educating future counselors in how to assist clients who are confused about their sexual orientation, (b) increasing one’s sensitivity to and knowledge about gay/lesbian issues, and (c) requiring to some extent that future counselors accept and understand their own biases in regards to individual differences and more specifically to gays and lesbian. References Anastasi, A. (1988). Psychological testing . New York, NY: Macmillan. Axam, H. S., & Zalesne, D (1999). Simulated sodomy and other forms of heterosexual horseplay: Same sex sexual harassment, workplace gender hierarchies, and the myth of the gender monolith before and after oncale. Yale Journal of Law and Feminism, 11 , 155–253. Bagley, C., & Tremblay, P. (1997). Suicidal behaviors in homosexual and bisexual males . Crisis, 18 (1), 24–34. Bell A. P., & Weinberg, M. S. (1978). Homosexualities: A study of diversity among men & women . New York, NY: Simon and Schuster. Cass, V. C. (1979). Homosexuality identity formation: A theoretical model. Journal of Homosexuality , 4 , 219–234. Cass, V. C. (1984). Homosexuality identity formation: Testing a theoretical model. The Journal of Sex Research , 20 , 143–167. Coleman, E. (1982). Homosexuality & psychotherapy: Developmental stages of the coming-out crocess. Journal of Homosexuality , 7 , 36–48. Coleman, E. (1987). Assessment of sexual orientation . Boca Raton, FL: Haworth. Crooks, R., & Baur, K. (2008). Our sexuality . Belmont, CA: Wadsworth. Drescher, J. (2008). A history of homosexuality and organized psychoanalysis. Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis and Dynamic Psychiatry , 36 (3), 443–460. Ellis, H. (1936). Studies in the psychology of sex . New York, NY: Random House. Eliason, M. J., & Schope, R. (2007). The health of sexual minorities: Shifting sands or solid foundation? Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender identity formation . New York, NY: Springer. Fergusson, D. M., & Horwood, L. J. (2005). Sexual orientation and mental health in a birth cohort of young adults. Psychological Medicine, 35 (7), 971–981. Fox, R. C. (2003). Bisexual Identities. In L. Garnets & D. Kimmel (Eds.), Psychological perspectives on lesbian, gay, and bisexual experiences (pp. 86–129). New York, NY: Columbia University Press. Freud, S. (1922/2010). Group psychology and the analysis of the ego . (J. Strachey, trans.). Charleston, S.C: Nabu Press. Garnets, L., & Kimmel, D. C. (2003). Psychological perspectives on lesbian, gay, and bisexual experiences . New York, NY: Columbia University Press. Grace, J. (1979, November). Coming out alive . Paper presented at the Sixth Biennial Professional Symposium of the National Association of Social Workers. San Antonio, Tx. Harper, S. R, & Harris, F. (2010). College men and masculinities: Theory, research, and implications for practice . Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley. Henchen, J. D., & O’Dowd, W. T. (1977). Coming out as an aspect of identity formation. Gay Academic Union Journal : Gai Saber, 1 , 18–22. Kinsey, A. C., Pomeroy, W. B., & Martin, C. E. (1948). Sexual behavior in the human male . Philadelphia, PA: W. B. Saunders. Kinsey, A. C., Pomeroy, W. B., Martin, C. E., & Gebhard, P. H. (1953). Sexual behavior in the human female . Philadelphia, PA: W. B. Saunders. Krafft-Ebing, R. V. (1887/1965). Psychopathia sexualis. (H. E. Wedick, Trans.). New York, NY: Putnam. Marmor, J. (1980). Homosexual behavior. New York, NY: Basic. Mata, J., Ghavami, N., & Wittig, M. A. (2010). Understanding gender differences in early adolescents’ sexual prejudice. The Journal of Early Adolescence 30 (1), 50–75. Miller, D. (1987). Strategy making and structure: Analysis and implications for performance. Academy of Management