The Professional Counselor \Volume 2, Issue 1 17 Regression Three hierarchical regression analyses were performed with the five predictor variables and three criterion variables. All regression models were significant. It is suggested that the variance shared among the predictors is what accounts for the significant models. None of the social support types were found to have significant unique relationships with any of the career thoughts variables. Structural Equation Modeling Conceptual models of the posited relationship between social support and career thoughts, as seen in Figure 1, were tested using SEM procedures. The model shows that the five social support types were used as indicators for a social support latent factor and the three subscales of the CTI were used as indicators for a negative career thoughts latent factor. The distributional properties of the study variables in the model were examined to select the appropriate model estimator. No substantial problems were evident in either univariate skewness ( M = -.39; range from -.83 to .29) or kurtosis ( M = .23; range from -.36 to .90) in the eight variables used in the SEM analysis. Mild multivariate kurtosis was indicated with a Mardia’s normalized estimate equating to 10.15. For the model, the model-reproduced and observed covariance matrices did not differ, χ² = 18.79, df = 19, p = .47. Desirable CFI and IFI indexes (1.00 for both) were observed. The satisfactory distribution of the residuals was substantiated by the observed standardized RMSR (.02). Figure 1 presents the standardized path coefficients and residuals for the SEM. Figure 1. Negative career thoughts as a function of social support. A latent negative career thoughts variable based upon the Career Thoughts Inventory (CTI) serves as the criterion variable. All coefficients are standardized and significant (* p < .05). AB = acceptance-belonging; ACA = appraisal-coping assistance; BCG = behavioral-cognitive guidance; TAMA = tangible assistance- material aid; MOD = modeling; DMC = decision-making confusion; CA = commitment anxiety; EC = external conflict.
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