
The Professional Counselor \Volume 2, Issue 2 111 Figure 5. Final model. e_sa e_ps Self Appraisal Problem-Solving Career Problem-Solving Self Efficacy e_cdse Career Exploratory Behavior Career Thinking Decision-Making Confusion Commitment Anxiety External Conflict e_ec e_ca e_dmc e_ct e_ceb Self- Exploration Environmental Exploration e_se e_ee .95 .71 .75 -.56 .94 .70 .61 .00 .55 .62 Discussion The model initially hypothesized and proposed (Figure 4) was not admissible. According to most indicators the final path model (Figure 5) was moderately verified. The model suggests that there is an important sequence of interventions when working to facilitate environmental and self-exploratory behavior in career counseling clients. The model indicates that negative career thinking explains some portion of career problem-solving self-efficacy. Also, career problem-solving self-efficacy in turn directly explains a portion of exploratory behavior, while negative career thinking does not. Self- efficacy appears to affect the relationship between negative thoughts and exploratory behavior. Thus, the presence of negative thinking appears to support a person’s level of self-efficacy. Perhaps the key for practitioners is to intervene on negative career thoughts initially to free clients for more successful building later upon problem-solving self-efficacy. model (see Figure 5) was proposed in which the relationship between the career thinking and career problem-solving self- efficacy latent variables was modified to indicate that career thinking captured direct variance in career problem-solving self-efficacy, which in turn had a direct effect on career exploratory behavior. This path model had an adequate to low fit with the data, χ 2 (11, N = 145) = 31.14, p < .001, χ 2 /df = 2.831, CFI = .946, TLI = .897, RMSEA = .113 (90% CI: .67, .160). Models with CFI and TLI between .90 and .94, and RMSEA values between .06 and .10, indicate an adequate fit to the data when models are not complex and samples sizes are smaller than 500 (Hu & Bentler, 1999; Weston & Gore, 2006). This path model met most of these specifications of adequate fit. The TLI and RMSEA coefficients fell slightly outside the recommended parameters.