
The Professional Counselor \Volume 2, Issue 2 163 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 University Admission Link Student Organization Page Counseling Resources Pages Student Resources Pages Student Employment Information Alumni Pages Current Students Pages Prospective Students Pages Faculty Resources Pages Faculty Presentations Faculty Publications Faculty Vitas Faculty Degrees Faculty Credentials Faculty Research Interests Faculty Emails Address Faculty Webpages Faculty Pictures Faculty Roster CACREP Accreditation Information Program Vision Program Mission Program Goals Program Director Information Program Description Program Phone Number Program Email Address Program Mailing Address Figure 1. Program, Faculty, and Student Information on 220 Program Webpages Among the 28 major content categories, nine categories were placed under the program domain: (1) program mailing address, (2) program phone number, (3) program description, (4) CACREP accreditation information, (5) program e-mail address, (6) program director information, (7) program goals, (8) program mission, and (9) program vision. Eleven categories were grouped under the faculty domain: (1) faculty resources pages, (2) faculty roster, (3) faculty e-mail addresses, (4) faculty degrees, (5) faculty photos, (6) faculty research interests, (7) faculty webpages, (8) faculty credentials, (9) faculty publications, (10) faculty presentations, and (11) faculty vitas. Eight categories were placed under the student domain: (1) student resources pages, (2) prospective student pages, (3) current student pages, (4) university admission link, (5) alumni pages, (6) student organization page, (7) counseling resources pages, and (8) student employment information. Among the 28 categories, two categories had a 100% accessibility rate (220 out of 220). The “student resources” and “program mailing address” were accessible on all program webpages. The category of “program vision” had the least accessibility with only 12% found on counseling program webpages. Many categories in the faculty domain appeared to have lower accessibility rates compared to those in program and student domains. Six out of 11 categories of faculty domain did not have high accessibility rates: research interests (65%), web pages (63%), credentials (63%), publications (45%), presentations (37%), and vitas (33%). Only the faculty resources pages had high accessibility (98%). In addition to the descriptive analysis presented in Figure 1, interval data was collected and tabulated in Table 1. Table 1 displayed the counts on ten categories of the faculty domain. This table compared each category against the total number of counseling faculty listed by 528 counseling programs. There were 1,469 counselor educators listed on the counseling department webpages where the faculty was employed. However, the information in the ten categories of faculty domain did not show an equivalent accessibility across all counseling programs. Ad resse