The Professional Counselor \Volume 2, Issue 3 233 Counselors’ unique training contributes to their being effective leaders in a wide variety of contexts (Paradise, Ceballos, and Hall, 2010).Counseling skills maximize the power of the leader to manage, to educate, and to motivate with synergy and consciousness, rendering human well-being more viable in the life cycle, consequently making the counselor-leader the engineer of sustained human development . References Barreto, A. (2009). Transformational leadership for enterprise management based on the management of knowledge and innovation (Unpublished master’s thesis). University of Zulia, Maracaibo, Venezuela. Barreto, A. (2010). The leader of the human organizational energy: An innovating manager, educator and motivator . Paper presented at the First Congress of Organizational Management and Leadership, Barquisimeto, Venezuela. Barreto, A. (2012a). Human energy and the manager, educator and motivational leader . Manuscript in preparation, Maracaibo, Venezuela. Barreto, A. (2012b). Leadership: an interaction of human energy. Manuscript in preparation, Maracaibo, Venezuela. Chang, C., Minton, C., Dixon, A., Myers, J., & Sweeney, T. (2012). Professional counseling excellence through leadership and advocacy. New York, NY: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group. Chatterjee, D. (2007). The conscious leadership . Buenos Aires, Argentina: Ediciones Granica S.A. Freire, P. (2005). Pedagogy of the oppressed . Coyoacán, México: Siglo XXI Editores, S.A. Goleman, D. (2006). The resonant leader creates more: The power of emotional intelligence. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Editorial Sudamericana S.A. Hansen, J., Himes, B., & Meier, S. (1990). Consultation: Concepts and practices . New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Heider, J. (2004). Tao of the leaders . 1era. Edición. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Editorial del Nuevo Extremo S.A. Ingenieros, J. (2002). Moral forces . Bogota, Colombia: Ediciones Universales. Navare, S. (2008). Counseling at work place: A proactive human resource initiative. Indian Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine , 12 (1), 1–2. Retrieved from . Osterlund, L. C., & Mack, M. (2011). Promoting advocacy and leadership in counselor education through an innovative student and alumni association. Retrieved from vistas11/Article_29.pdf Paradise, L. V., Ceballos, P. T., & Hall, S. (2010). Leadership and leader behavior in counseling: Neglected skills. International Journal for the Advancement of Counseling , 32 , 46–55. Sennewald, C. (1985) . Effective security management . Newton, United States: Butterworth-Heinemann. Vera, G. (2003a). Pedagogy and training of counselors: A constructivist perspective. Revista de Pedagogía , 24 , 137–166. Vera, G. (2003b). Perspectives in the training of counselors: A qualitative study according to the Fundamental Theory (Unpublished doctoral thesis). University of New Orleans, Louisiana. Vera, G. (2004). Counseling as a profession: Definitions, intentions and scope. Encuentro Educacional , 11 (2), 169–180.
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