
44 Were there questions that seemed to elicit more or less response? and (3) Anything else that was relevant or noticeable (to you) during this focus group? The purpose of the debriefing was to acknowledge bias from the focus group leaders and to ensure that each leader could express the experience and understanding of the focus group. All the focus groups and debriefing sessions were audiotaped and subsequently transcribed. Data Analysis When using CQR, data analysis is a three-step process of (a) clustering data and identifying domains, (b) summarizing core ideas from the domains with shorter descriptions, and (c) developing categories that classify the common themes in the core ideas that exist across cases (Hill et al., 2005). Figure 1 visually explains the data analysis process. We analyzed the data by focus group, and each focus group participant’s contribution was analyzed independently. The data were analyzed to identify domains that were common themes from members of the cohorts. From the domains we recognized core ideas developing within the domain and from the core ideas we recognized categories that developed that crossed the focus groups. Of the eight final domains identified, five domains have more than one category. The process for coding used several methods, using names from the social sciences and in vivo coding where exact words or phrases were used to identify the code. Figure 1. Data analysis flow chart of the process of analyzing each domain. Year 1 Core Idea Year 1 Core Idea Year 2 Core Idea Year 2 Core Idea Year 2 Core Idea Year 3 Core Idea Year 3 Core Idea Year 3 Core Idea Category Variant Category General Category Typical Category General Core Ideas Domains Categories Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 1 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 2 Year 3 Domain Year 1 Core Idea The Professional Counselor \Volume 3, Issue 1