
80 The Professional Counselor \Volume 3, Issue 2 In conclusion, IDEA (2004) requires schools to create transition plans for students with disabilities; however, Sabbatino and Macrine (2007) emphasize that this is not sufficient to promote a successful transition to adulthood. Therefore, programs are needed to promote the success of students with ESE/EBD. The design and implementation of programs requires collaboration between school counselors, teachers, administrators, support staff, students, families and community stakeholders. Additionally, program implementation requires time, funding and other resources. Despite these challenges, researchers have indicated that focusing on crucial in-school predictors may lead to success following high school (Test et al., 2009). Thus, this article presents a promising program for working with students with ESE/EBD. However, future research is needed to examine the initiatives presented in this article and determine how they might be used to help students become productive citizens. References American School Counselor Association. (2004). ASCA National Standards for Students. Alexandria, VA: Author. American School Counselor Association. (2012). The ASCA National Model: A framework for school counseling programs (3rd ed.). Alexandria, VA: Author. Aseltine, R. H. Jr., & Gore, S. (2005). Work, postsecondary education, and psychological functioning following the transition from high school. Journal of Adolescent Research. 20 (6), 615–639. doi: 10.1177/0743558405279360 Burgstahler, S. (2001). A collaborative model to promote career success for students with disabilities. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation , 16 , 209–215. Cameto, R., Wagner, M., Newman, L., Blackorby, J., & Javitz, H. (2000). National Longitudinal Transition Study II (NLTS2). Menlo Park, CA: SRI International. Retrieved from plan2.pdf Carran, D., Kerins, M., & Murray, S. (2005). Three-year outcomes from positively and negatively discharged EDB students from nonpublic special education facilities. Behavioral Disorders , 30 , 119–134. Retrieved from Carter, E. W., Lane, K. L., Pierson, M. R., & Glaeser, B. (2006). Self-determination skills and opportunities of transition- age youth with emotional disturbance and learning disabilities. Exceptional Children , 72 , 333–346. Carter, E. W., Trainor, A. A., Ditchman, N., & Owens, L. (2011). A pilot study connecting youth with emotional or behavioral difficulties to summer work experiences. Career Development for Exceptional Individuals , 34 (2), 95–106. doi: 10.1177/0885728810395745 Carter, E. W., Trainor, A. A., Owens, L., Swedeen, B., & Sun, Y. (2010). Self-determination prospects of youth with high- incidence disabilities: Divergent perspectives and related factors. Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, 18 (2), 67–81. doi: 10.1177/1063426609332605 Exceptional Student Education Eligibility for Students with Emotional/Behavioral Disabilities, F.A.C. §§ 6A-6.03016 (2009). Gore, S., Kadish, S., & Aseltine, R. H. Jr. (2003). Career centered high school education and post-high school career adaptation. American Journal of Community Psychology , 32 , 77–88. Granello, D., & Sears, S. (1999). The School to Work Opportunities Act and the role of the school counselor. Professional School Counseling , 3 , 108–115. Individuals With Disabilities Education Act Amendments of 1997, 20 U.S.C. § 1400 et seq. (1997). Individuals With Disabilities Education Act of 2004, 20 U.S.C. §1400 et seq. (2004). Lehman, C. M., Clark, H. B., Bullis, M., Rinkin, J., & Castellanos, L. A. (2002). Transition from school to adult life: Empowering youth through community ownership and accountability. Journal of Child and Family Studies , 11 (1), 127–141. doi:10.1023/A:1014727930549 Rutkowski, S., Daston, M., Van Kuiken, D., & Riehle, E. (2006). Project SEARCH: A demand-side model of high school transition. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 25, 85–96. Retrieved from: journal-of-vocational-rehabilitation