
140 The Professional Counselor \Volume 3, Issue 3 Specialists in Group Work , 21 (2), 101–109. doi:10.1080/01933929608412238 Van Velsor, P. (2004). Training for successful group work with children: What and how to teach. The Journal for Specialist in Group Work , 29 (1), 137–146. doi:10.1080/01933920490275664 Appendix Example Assignment Descriptions for Syllabus I. Group Counseling Proposal Assignment Students are required to develop a proposal for a 1-hour psychoeducational group to be conducted with RPCVs. The proposal should be 8–10 pages and include current literature. The proposal outline is as follows: • Purpose and goals of the group • Eligibility criteria, recruitment strategies, and screening techniques (e.g., RPCVs selected based on interest in program topic, screened by PC staff) • Length, frequency, duration of group (e.g., a single 1-hour group session) • Appropriate leadership style and roles • Appropriate group norms, process, and procedures (e.g., structure and relevant activities) • Demonstration of the various stages of the group process • Ethical considerations • Cultural considerations • Evaluation criteria: What will determine whether group goals have been met? • Summary: Briefly summarize your proposal and rationale. II. Group Leadership/Facilitation/Reflection Paper Students will co-lead a 1-hour psychoeducational group for RPCVs. The group will be based on your written pro- posal. Feedback will be provided to you regarding your proposal prior to conducting the group. After the session, you and your co-facilitator will each write a two-page reflection paper on the group process that took place under your leadership. The reflection paper will include your analysis of the following: • What group stages did the group experience? • What do you believe would be needed for the group to function more effectively? • Which techniques did you actually use in the session? • How did you incorporate a theoretical framework into the session? • Were the desired group goals/outcomes achieved? • How did your group leadership influence these goals/outcomes? • If you were able to have an additional session, what direction would you take the group? • What were your own strengths and areas of growth as a group leader within the session?