
48 The Professional Counselor \Volume 4, Issue 1 Appendix Focus Group Protocol 1. How is your program designed to provide supervision training? 2. What factors influence your perceptions of your abilities as supervisors? Prompt: colleagues, professors, equipment, schedules, age, cultural factors such as gender, ethnicity, social class, whether you have had prior or no prior experience as supervisors. 3. How does it feel to evaluate the supervisees’ performance? 4. How, if at all, do your supervisees provide you with feedback about your performance? 5. How do you feel about evaluations from your supervisees? Prompt: How, if at all, do you think or feel supervisees’ evaluations influence how you perceive your skills as a supervisor? 6. How, if at all, do your supervisors provide you with feedback about your performance? 7. How do you feel about evaluations from your faculty supervisor? Prompt: In what ways, if any, do evaluations from your faculty supervisor influence how you perceive your skills as a supervisor? 8. What strengths or supports do you have in your program that guide you as a supervisor? 9. What barriers or obstacles do you experience as a supervisor? 10. What influences do you have from outside of the program that affect how you feel in your role as a supervisor? 11. How does it feel to be in the middle tier of supervision: working between a faculty supervisor and master’s- level supervisee? Prompt: Empowered, stuck in the middle, neutral, powerless. 12. What, if any, critical incidents have you encountered in supervision? Prompt: Supervisee that has a client who was suicidal or it becomes clear to you that a supervisee has not developed basic skills needed to work with current clients. 13. If a critical incident occurred, or would occur in the future, what procedures did you or would you follow? How comfortable do you feel in having the responsibility of dealing with critical incidents? 14. If not already mentioned by participants, ask if they have been faced with a situation in which their supervisee was not performing adequately/up to program expectations. If yes, ask them to describe their role in any remediation plan that was developed. If no, ask what concerns come to mind when they think about the possibility of dealing with such a situation. 15. Describe a time when you felt least competent as a supervisor. 16. Describe a time when you felt the most competent as a supervisor. 17. How could supervision training be improved, especially in terms of anything that could help you feel more competent as a supervisor?